virgin islands scene

Before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness.
-- Dan Millman


Friday, December 20, 2002


Sometimes when you place your trust in someone, you will be wrong, and there will be disastrous consequences. Yet as bad as that may be, it would be even worse to never trust at all.

Without trust, without faith, we are merely machines, disinterested and unable to truly invest ourselves in anything worthwhile. With no trust, the world is a cold, harsh and excruciatingly lonely place.

The best way to know when to trust and when not to trust is to be trustworthy yourself. Know what it is like to uphold the trust of others, and it will help you to understand whom you yourself can trust.

Some of the best and most valuable things you can experience do not come with a guarantee. Though it certainly pays to be careful, it also is important to be able to trust.

Don’t give your trust frivolously or irresponsibly, but do give it. For without trust, there is really nothing that is worth protecting.

— Ralph Marston

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