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Courage, trust, truth, love. Even unto your enemy... which is yourself.
-- Jordan B. Peterson


Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Effortless effort

Much of the difficulty involved in any effort is in fighting against your own reluctance to undertake that effort. Let go of that reluctance, and the effort becomes effortless.

Many of the things you think of as fun require just as much exertion, focus and commitment as those things you think of as work. Yet the fun things you do willingly, enthusiastically, in a real sense effortlessly, while the work you often look at as a chore that you’d rather avoid.

Imagine how much more effective you’d be if, instead of dreading and fighting against certain tasks, you simply got them done. And think of how much worry, stress and anxiety you’d avoid by taking such an approach.

All it really requires is a simple change in thinking. Rather than seeing any effort as something to be resented and avoided, just jump enthusiastically into the experience of it and get it done.

Stop fighting against your own unique and incredible ability to make things happen. See your efforts as effortless, and experience how much more powerful and effective they become.

— Ralph Marston

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