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Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Monday, August 19, 2002


You are a unique and valuable person, no matter what. No error in judgment, no embarrassment, no pain, no setback can take away the inherent value of who you are and who you can be.

Certainly you want to be the best you can be. And the way to do that is by being confident of who you are. If you let every little thing, and even every big thing, get to you, your confidence can quickly be eroded. The more you worry, the more reason you’ll have to worry.

There’s no reason to get caught in such a downward spiral. Instead, always keep in mind that no circumstance, no setback, no turn of events can ever have the power on its own to change your value as a person.

Every life will have its share of unfortunate situations, but that is certainly no reason to cower in fear or to become consumed with anxiety. Rather, you have every reason to move confidently forward. Whatever life may take from you will never be able to deplete the good and valuable things you have to give.

— Ralph Marston

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