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Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.
-- William Penn


Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Grab the energy

You cannot see or touch or be shoved into a ditch by disappointment. Its power is only what you make of it, only what you allow it to be.

So make of each disappointment the very best you possibly can. When disappointment comes, take control of it rather than allowing it to take control of you.

The seeds of great achievements are often planted in the midst of tragic disappointments. There is a raw energy in every disappointment that can be focused in any direction you choose. It can bring you way, way down if you let it. Or you can grab hold of that energy and ride it steadily upward toward whatever goal you seek.

Even when the results you achieve are not the results you were after, you’ve nonetheless taken a significant step forward. You have, after all, achieved results. Getting the results you desire then becomes a matter of making experienced adjustments to your approach. Grab the energy, the knowledge and the experience of each disappointment to lead you surely, steadily and successfully toward where you wish to go.

— Ralph Marston

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