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Imagination is the highest kite one can fly.
-- Lauren Bacall


Saturday, August 17, 2002

Invest in kindness

A snide remark gains you nothing, yet costs you much. A selfish act brings no lasting value, yet it attracts the enduring resentment of others. A kind word, on the other hand, costs you nothing. And it can bring about a lifetime of value.

What if, just once each day, you were to stop yourself before making a cruel remark and replace it with a sincere word of encouragement? Such a thing would cost you absolutely nothing, and yet it would bring real, positive value to your life and your world.

Cruelty is a waste of precious time and energy. Kindness is an investment which pays endless dividends.

If you desire a life of value, then do the things which bring true value, as often as you can. Fill your moments with kindness, and fill your world with value.

— Ralph Marston

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