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Fortune sides with him who dares.
-- Virgil


Tuesday, May 21, 2002


One of the most valuable things you can have is the ability and the desire to truly understand others. That’s because we live in a world where no two people have exactly the same perspective. We are all unique individuals. That fact can lead to extreme frustration or it can lead to magnificent achievement, depending on your level of understanding.

Have you ever wasted a lot of time and energy being angry and resentful, only to eventually discover that it was all due to a misunderstanding? Has anyone ever been angry with you simply because they did not understand what you were doing or why you were doing it?

It takes effort and humility to practice true and genuine understanding. Often, it can seem easier to just get angry and lash out, yet that rarely accomplishes anything of value.

Imagine how much more value you could create and enjoy if you made the effort to better understand the people around you. Imagine what would happen if some of your anger and frustration could be replaced by cooperation and effectiveness.

Every day there are opportunities for you to become more understanding and to help others better understand you. Make use of those opportunities, seek to promote understanding. Your life and your world will benefit greatly.

— Ralph Marston

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