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It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted.
-- Aeschylus


Wednesday, May 8, 2002

Expect the best

To achieve improved results from yourself and others, first improve your expectations. Whatever you truly expect to do, you’ll find a way to do. Whatever you genuinely and positively expect of others will firmly encourage them to make it so. Respect people enough to expect the best of them, with confidence and sincerity, and they’ll come through with an impressive performance.

Expectations are communicated to yourself and others in your words, your actions, your thoughts, your posture, and your attitude. When these things are mostly positive and empowering, the positive expectations they convey will bring impressive results.

Base your expectations not on what has happened in the past, but rather on what you desire for the future. Expectations exert a powerful influence on you and on those around you, so use that influence wisely.

Expect to improve your situation, and you will. Expect to have a productive day, and you will. You’ll likely get whatever you truly expect. So choose, with your words, your thoughts, and your actions, to expect the very best.

— Ralph Marston

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