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I always try to believe the best of everybody -- it saves so much trouble.
-- Rudyard Kipling


Tuesday, May 7, 2002

Truly blessed

Here’s a great way to quickly change your attitude about anything and to put yourself in a positive frame of mind. Wherever you are, whatever has happened, in every situation, consider yourself truly blessed.

If there’s something which must be done, that you’d really rather avoid, consider that you’re truly blessed to be doing it. That simple change in thinking can put an amazing positive spin on the experience.

If there’s a troublesome situation confronting you, consider yourself truly blessed to be able to face it. It will help you to fashion your most positive, effective and resourceful response.

Sure, it’s difficult to think of yourself as truly blessed when you’re in the middle of something unpleasant, frightening or frustrating. Difficult as it may be, though, it sure beats the alternative of giving in to despair and negativity.

It may not make sense at first to your logical mind, yet in some very positive and empowering way your spirit will understand. Indeed, you are truly blessed, and it can be a powerful positive boost to remind yourself of that fact. Just do it and see for yourself what a difference it can make.

— Ralph Marston

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