Monday, May 6, 2002
The freedom of truth
The truth of who you are is much more beautiful and valuable than any deception you could construct. The more honest you are with yourself and with others, the more you’ll tap into the real and lasting value in your life.
When you tell a lie or hide the truth, it brings you down. When you deceive or exaggerate to make yourself look better, you’re sending a negative, destructive message to yourself. Consider the damage to your own confidence that occurs when you attempt to appear as someone you’re not, just to win the approval of others. The person you pretend to be can never even come close to being as valuable as the person you really are.
Live in truth and let the real person you are shine brightly. Respect and value what is true, rather than what is convenient for the moment. When seeking to be the best you can be, nothing is more important than living truthfully. Be who you are, tell it like it is, and enjoy the real and lasting freedom of the truth.
Ralph Marston

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