Thursday, May 9, 2002
Getting past rejection
Does the fear of rejection hold you back? Are you so concerned about what others might think or say or feel about you that it keeps you from taking positive action?
Rejection hurts only when you allow it to hurt, and there’s no reason whatsoever for you to allow it to hurt. If someone says no to you, or if someone says something negative about you, that does not change anything about who you are.
The words, actions and opinions of others have no real bearing on your worth as a person. Certainly it is helpful and desirable to make a good impression whenever you can, yet it’s not the end of the world when you experience rejection.
When you set out to make a true and substantial positive difference, there will be those who disagree with you, those who ignore you, and those who flat out reject what you’re doing. Look beyond them and keep your focus on what you’ve decided to accomplish.
It’s great to have positive feedback, but it simply does not always happen. That’s okay, though, because you know where you’re headed and you know that your true worth does not depend on the judgment of others. Go confidently forward, do what you know must be done, and let others think what they will.
Ralph Marston

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