Tuesday, November 13, 2001
A true bargain
What is achievement made of? It is made of inconvenience. It is made of frustration. It is crafted from problems that are difficult and complicated to overcome. It is created out of tedious effort and challenging thoughts.
Some people shy away from those things that make up achievement. Some people consider them unpleasant, or too much trouble. Thankfully, there are others who know better. There are those who realize that achievement is worth the inconvenience, worth the effort, worth the challenge.
Do you avoid achievement because of what it entails? Then you’re not seeing the whole picture. You’re focusing only on the price, and not fully appreciating the reward.
There will indeed be problems whenever you decide to achieve something. So what? What is really so bad about problems? Nothing! You’re equipped to handle them. You’re experienced at getting through them. You have the intelligence, the resources and the persistence to get past those problems.
So do it! Aim high. Go for those spectacular achievements. Don’t just let your time and your life pass by. Fill your days with the richness of achievement. What you get out of it is well worth what you put in. Be willing to pay the price for achievement, and you’ll discover it’s a true bargain.
Ralph Marston

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