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Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
-- General George Patton


Monday, November 12, 2001

Blessings in the making

What would be the point of living if there were no challenges to overcome? What would give you joy if there was nothing that could bring you sadness? How could you feel warm if there was no such thing as cold? How could you know pleasure if there wasn’t any pain?

Before you curse the darkness, consider that it provides the light with a place to shine. Before you curse the problems, keep in mind that they’re what give value to the accomplishments.

Life’s greatest treasures are those to which you give the most commitment. Challenges and difficult efforts are blessings in the making. The more you put into life, the more richly you will live it.

The dark days are filled with incredible opportunity. See that opportunity, know it and live it, and the bright days will be joyous indeed.

— Ralph Marston

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