virgin islands scene

It doesn't work to leap a twenty-foot chasm in two ten-foot jumps.
-- American proverb


Saturday, November 10, 2001

Live on purpose

You’re not really hungry. You didn’t really want it. You don’t really need it. But you see a cookie, and you eat it. Why? Because it’s there and there’s really nothing else to do at the moment. Do you enjoy it? Maybe it tastes good for a second or two, but then it knocks your blood sugar out of balance and the guilt sets in and you wonder why in the world you even did it.

Is your life controlled by random events? Are you at the mercy of haphazard circumstances? Only if you allow yourself to be. Your circumstances can control your life if you let them. They can be very compelling and they will be extremely destructive in the long run. Because random circumstances don’t know, and they certainly don’t care, about what you desire from life.

When you depend on fate to bring joy and fulfillment, you’ll be continually disappointed. As soon as you decide to do it yourself, though, the results improve dramatically.

Fate will run your life if you let it, but you won’t like what you get, not at all. So decide to take control. Decide to live on purpose. Live with a reason. Act with a plan. It’s fully within your ability to do so, and as you do your life will be transformed into the best you can possibly imagine for it.

— Ralph Marston

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