Tuesday, September 18, 2001
Always the best choice
Focus your mind on something positive today.
There are countless opportunities to be negative. There are endless reasons to worry. There are plenty of sources of frustration. There are regrets and “what ifs” enough to last a lifetime. Yet if you fill your life with them you’ll waste an enormous opportunity -- the opportunity to live each moment in the way that you have chosen, in a way that will bring meaning, joy and fulfillment to your life and your world.
You cannot choose all your circumstances. You can choose your state of mind no matter what the circumstance. You cannot control everything that will happen today. Yet you can completely control the person you will be today.
Let every negative factor on the outside make you that much more determined to live with joy on the inside and to fulfill those very real positive possibilities which are yours.
If the world tries to bring you down, resolve to bring it up instead. You always have the power to fill life with positive meaning in every moment, in every situation, no matter who may attempt to convince you otherwise. There is always a way to move forward and choosing to do so is always the best choice you can make.
— Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2001 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.