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Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
-- General George Patton


Wednesday, September 19, 2001


There is enormous strength in patience, because patience enables you to achieve the most effective results, not just the most immediately available results. When you act out of haste and shortsightedness, time can work against you. When you are patient and diligent, time works in your favor.

Patience is more than just waiting. Patience is having the faith and the confidence to act over the long term, beginning now, and steadily continuing day after day until the goal is reached.

Patience expands your options. If you insist on immediate gratification, your choices are severely limited. When you are willing to work patiently and steadfastly toward your goals, those goals can realistically be just about anything you choose.

The greatest achievements are those which are built day after day, month after month, with one effort on top of another. When you can be urgent about the effort and patient about the reward, anything is indeed possible.

— Ralph Marston

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