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"Do-so" is more important than "say-so."
-- Pete Seeger


Monday, September 17, 2001

This moment

This moment is your opportunity to shine. This moment is your chance to live with positive purpose and commitment, to be the absolute best you can be, to fill your life and your world with genuine richness.

If you let yourself get dragged down by the disappointments of the past or worries about the future, then you deny to yourself the irreplaceable value that is in this moment. Learn from those disappointments as well as from your successes, set your sights on building a more positive future, and use what you have in this moment to do so.

This moment is the one moment over which you now have complete control. So live it with all the goodness, focus, courage, love and commitment you can muster. Put all you have into being the best you can be, into living as fully as you can imagine, right now.

The value in this moment is yours to live, so make the most of it while you have it. Hold your head up high. Take a deep breath. Fill your spirit with energy. Then get busy making a real and lasting positive impact on your world with all you have in this moment.

— Ralph Marston

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