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Anything the human mind can believe, the human mind can achieve.
-- Napoleon Hill


Saturday, September 15, 2001

Your best choice

If you run from the difficult challenges, they will pursue you unrelentingly. Yet when you turn to face them with resolve and commitment, not only will you get through them, you’ll become stronger as a result.

The challenges can indeed be disparaging and demoralizing, until you consider where you’ll be when you get past them. Look to the other side and see the positive possibilities. There’s no sense in looking back or wishing for the difficulties to go away. They’re here and it’s time to deal with them.

You can do it. The ability to adapt to changing conditions and to prosper no matter what comes your way -- that’s part of the very definition of life. You are gloriously alive, so act like it!

The difficulties you face can be an excuse to give up, or they can be a reason to reach even higher, to become even better, to live even more fully. Rise to the challenge. It’s your nature. It’s your best choice. It’s your destiny, waiting for you to give it life.

— Ralph Marston

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