Wednesday, January 17, 2001
On purpose
Persistence is a strength, and yet stubbornness can be a weakness. Flexibility is a strength, and yet indecisiveness is a weakness. The difference between being persistent and being stubborn, the difference between being flexible and being indecisive, is a clear and abiding sense of purpose.
Are you living on purpose? Are you going through each day with a purpose? There is a purpose which tugs at your heart. Have you made the effort to discover and know it?
Your wishes, desires, hopes, dreams, opinions, likes and dislikes, at their very deepest level, revolve around a purpose. You can sense it. It is there. Do you know it? Have you explored it? You’ll find it by considering the things you enjoy, the people you like to be around, the experiences which provide you with a deep sense of fulfillment. Pay attention to the times you really feel good about yourself. Ask yourself why this is so? Keep asking until you touch a purpose so fundamental it cannot be explained in any other way.
Put the power of purpose behind your thoughts and into your actions. There’s no better way to become highly and happily effective in all you do.
Ralph Marston

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