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The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
-- Thomas Paine


Monday, January 1, 2001

New Year 2001

Another year has passed. Another full circle around the sun. The days, the weeks, the months and the seasons have come and gone. A new year full of many more is ready to be lived.

Another year from now, how will you remember today? What decisions and commitment will you make, what course of action will you follow, that will distinguish the year ahead from all the rest?

The year which starts today is indeed a golden opportunity for you. It can be the best year yet. It can be filled with success and achievement, joy and meaning. It can be all these things and more through your active and enthusiastic participation.

Think for a moment how fortunate you are to be here on this New Year’s Day 2001. Think of how far you’ve come. Think of all your positive possibilities. Look ahead and see yourself becoming the person you truly want to become, accomplishing the things you really want to accomplish. You can surely do it, and today is a great place to start.

A new year is here. No golden treasure ever imagined could hold even a fraction of the value of what you have right now, today, on the beginning of this new year. It is yours to live. Make it great.

— Ralph Marston

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