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Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
-- Stephen Covey


Tuesday, January 2, 2001

A positive start

Energize your life by starting each day with gratitude. When you wake up, before you do anything else, stop and count your blessings. Then find something special about each day for which you can be thankful.

It’s s great way to get each day started on a positive note, and it can make a major difference throughout the day. Actively practicing gratitude on a regular basis will keep you in touch with the very best of your possibilities. It will enable you to see opportunities and utilize resources which may otherwise have remained hidden or forgotten.

Maintaining an attitude of gratitude will keep you connected to the things of value in your life. So in a very real sense it will add value to each moment of the day.

There are many good things in your life. It makes sense to fully appreciate and enjoy them. When you do, those positive things will grow even stronger. Begin each day by counting your many blessings. By so doing you’ll attract many more.

— Ralph Marston

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