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Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
-- David Lloyd George


Friday, November 3, 2000

Positive values

Rather than lamenting what you do not have, make the most of what you do have. Rather than being stopped by what you cannot do, move forward by doing what you can do. Instead of agonizing over the past or worrying about the future, make sure that right now you are the very best you can be.

Put your attention and your effort where they count. Use your energy and your time where they can make the biggest positive difference. Being positive is more than just repeating happy phrases. Being positive means living positive. Being positive means seeing the possibilities for improvement and advancement in every situation, and acting on them.

Being positive means doing what is necessary and right even if it is not easy or popular. Positive values are more than just platitudes. Sincere positive values result in effective positive actions. And those actions will bring real, lasting and substantial achievement.

— Ralph Marston

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