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The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one.
-- Elbert Hubbard


Saturday, November 4, 2000

Ability and commitment

Greatness most often results not from extraordinary ability, but rather from ordinary ability followed through with extraordinary devotion. Commitment, depth of passion and clarity of purpose will elevate even the most ordinary, mundane efforts into the realm of truly great achievement.

Exceptional ability is a wonderful gift, though by itself it won’t get you very far. More important than ability are desire and commitment. Without them, ability is useless. With them, any shortage of ability can be overcome.

Everyone alive has plenty of passion, though too often the true identity of that passion lies hidden. When you make the effort to understand and solidly connect with your passion, the result is an unyielding level of commitment to fulfilling that passion.

Whatever your level of ability, it will take you wherever you desire to go when energized with passion and commitment.

— Ralph Marston

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