Friday, August 4, 2000
There is no shortage of tragedy, pain and despair around us, and yet there is also in this life an abundant goodness. It doesn’t often command headlines, precisely because it is so normal and expected as to not be considered newsworthy. Still, it is a powerful and continuing positive influence, and it is essential to our way of life.
Every moment of every day there are countless decent, honest people doing their jobs with competence and integrity. They keep the machinery of civilization running smoothly, providing food, warmth, shelter, entertainment, medical care, transportation, education, and energy along with scores of other useful goods and services. They take care of their families. They contribute time, attention and resources to their communities.
And all of this is so normal that, for the most part, we take it for granted. Though the monumental achievements command our attention and inspire awe, it is the enormous quantity and quality of small, everyday accomplishments which keep this world moving forward.
There is a wealth of goodness so thoroughly ingrained in this life that we barely even notice it. Truly it is a blessing beyond compare.
Ralph Marston

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