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If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.
-- Michael Jordan


Saturday, August 5, 2000

Past your limits

Most of us are in the habit of looking at the world through the narrow, limited perspective of our own interests. Certainly it is important to look out for one’s own interests. Yet there’s a big world out there with a lot of people in it.

You benefit immensely when you can expand your horizons and fortify your own perspective with the diverse perspectives of others. Look at the situations in which you find yourself not only from your point of view, but also through the eyes of those with whom you interact.

For each person you come into contact with, ask yourself this question. What can I do to provide something of real, substantive value to this person? The answer to that question will open your eyes to a whole world of possibilities and opportunities which may have previously been hidden from view.

Going past your own narrow interests is ultimately the best strategy for serving the most sincere of those interests. Every person with whom you come in contact represents an opportunity for you to provide real value and, by so doing, to add genuine value to your own life.

— Ralph Marston

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