virgin islands scene

It is good to be without vices, but it is not good to be without temptations.
-- Walter Bagehot


Saturday, July 29, 2000


Each minute you spend in preparation saves at least five to ten minutes worth of catching up. Get out ahead of yourself. Prepare for what is coming next. When opportunities come your way they won’t wait until you to get ready for them. You must already be prepared to meet the challenges and quickly seize those opportunities, or they’ll leave you behind.

Preparation makes the difference between merely offering empty promises and really being able to deliver. Those who are prepared can deliver right away. Those who are not can only try. Guess who comes out on top!

What can you do right now to prepare for tomorrow? Each day, every time you can, make the extra effort to better prepare yourself. It is time well invested, which begins to pay dividends almost immediately. Prepare ahead, work ahead, and you’ll surely get ahead.

— Ralph Marston

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