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A man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away.
-- Charles Schwab


Friday, July 28, 2000

Intended direction

You’ll never be satisfied or fulfilled by that which is empty, no matter how much you have of it. Consider the quality of your pursuits, for it makes a decisive difference. No matter how effectively you can get results, it will mean little if the results are not what you truly desire.

When you must choose between speed and direction, choose direction. Going faster and faster will do you no good if the destination is not where you wish to end up. It is better to go slowly in the right direction than quickly in the wrong direction.

What a shame it would be to diligently spend your effort and irreplaceable time on an empty pursuit. Before you make the effort, before you commit the time, decide precisely where you intend to go, and why.

Where are you headed today, this very moment? Not only is success yours to pursue, it is also yours to define. Pay attention to where you’re going. Put thought and consideration into the destination, and the journey will bring abundant rewards.

— Ralph Marston

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