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There is no smaller package in all the world than that of a man all wrapped up in himself.
-- William Sloane Coffin, Jr.


Thursday, June 8, 2000

Calm strength

Speak your mind. Pursue your cause. Stand your ground. Make things happen -- with calm strength. When you get tense, excited and angry, when you scream, shout and flail around you tend to make a lot of mistakes. You tend to look foolish. You live to regret your actions.

Instead, be truly strong. Nervous excitability burns out quickly and can do much damage in the process. Calm and determined strength keeps on making a positive, persistent difference until the victory is won.

It’s easy to get agitated. It’s easy to get angry and excited. It is more effective, though, to take a studied, thoughtful and persistent approach. Take a deep breath. Take another. You can make things happen. Rather than putting on a show, put your energy into making a difference. Calm down, be strong, and become a real and undeniable winner.

— Ralph Marston

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