virgin islands scene

Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.
-- Kahlil Gibran


Friday, June 9, 2000

Real winners

A real winner is someone who can accept defeat graciously. A real winner does not plan to lose or aim to lose, and yet when the loss comes a real winner does not waste time on anger, complaints or blame.

A real winner finds value and learning even in defeat, then goes on to win a victory which outshines all the setbacks along the way. You can recognize a real winner by the way he acts when things don’t go his way. You can spot a real winner by her positive, winning attitude even in the midst of defeat.

Even cowards can look strong when things are going in their favor. True winners show their strength regardless of the circumstances. Those who are willing to accept defeat when it comes in spite of their best efforts, are the ones who ultimately can claim true victory.

— Ralph Marston

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