Wednesday, June 7, 2000
Empty wishes
To get what you desire you must make use of what you have. It sounds simple enough, and it is. Yet we too often get it backwards, expecting the reward before the effort. We get caught up in “if only” thinking. “If only” someone would give me a break, then I could really make something of myself. “If only” I had a few more hours in the day, then I could get caught up.
The “if only” wishes are just that -- empty wishes and nothing more. To turn desires into reality requires effort and commitment that is based in reality. Your “if only” wishes will not likely be magically granted. You’ve got to pursue your goals in spite of the less than perfect circumstances in which you find yourself.
Everyone who has ever achieved anything has faced difficult challenges. And yet look at all the great things that people just like you have accomplished. These things were not done by waiting for empty and feeble “if only” wishes to come true. They were done in spite of the challenges, in spite of the less than perfect conditions.
You can do it too. Forget about “if only.” Go ahead and make it happen anyway.
Ralph Marston

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