Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Unclog your mind
A great way to keep your mind sharp and clear is to do things when they need to be done. When you think of something you must do, get to work on it as quickly as possible, and then continue working on it until it is finished.
Tasks which you put off until later, or which you start and then put off finishing, will have the effect of clogging your thoughts. If you regularly and consistently procrastinate, your mind will soon become so filled with thoughts of what needs to be done that there will be little room for anything else.
Clear out all those “need to dos” from your thinking by actually getting them done. Rather than worrying about them over and over again in your mind, do them once and be finished. Free your mind to recognize new opportunities, to develop new insights and to focus clearly on the business at hand.
Ralph Marston

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