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No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it.
-- Andrew Carnegie


Thursday, April 20, 2000

Thankfully resourceful

When suddenly faced with a challenging situation, we tend to focus on the oppressive negative aspects of that situation. Consequently we can quickly become overwhelmed.

A more positive approach is to identify the aspects of the situation for which you can be thankful. It may sound a little absurd, when confronted with a difficult challenge, to look for ways to be grateful for it. And yet that is an excellent place to begin.

There’s a word for people who take this approach. We call them resourceful. That moniker comes not because these people have access to any more resources than anyone else, but rather because they are able to clearly identify and make use of those resources, particularly in the midst of difficulty.

Resourcefulness grows from an attitude of gratitude. Rather than bemoaning your fate, shine a thankful light on your situation and you’ll illuminate much value. Ask yourself, “What can I be thankful for here?” The things you find will likely make the difference between winning and losing.

— Ralph Marston

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