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In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
-- Cassius Longinus


Wednesday, April 19, 2000

Realistically positive

Will a positive attitude always bring positive results? No, because circumstances beyond your control may very well get in the way. So why make the effort to stay positive? Because even though you are subject to very real limitations, your best option is always to be the best you can be. That means keeping yourself focused on the positive possibilities, and doing everything in your power to manifest those possibilities.

There will be disappointments, to be sure. When they happen, pick yourself up quickly and get back in the game. Keep your eyes focused on the goal, through every setback. Though circumstances may appear to conspire against you, keep on going.

Reality can be harsh. And yet, even in the midst of that harshness, life is sweet when you refuse to let it defeat you. Be realistic and be positive too. It’s always the best option.

— Ralph Marston

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