Tuesday, April 18, 2000
This moment
If you look at this moment from the perspective of the past, it will likely disappoint you. Yet when you look at it from the perspective of the future, you’ll see all sorts of great possibilities.
This moment is probably not exactly as you had imagined or hoped or planned it would be. Yet what’s done is done. What’s here is here. Rather than deny it, the best thing you can do is to see it clearly and move forward with it. Dwell not on the disappointing results. Focus on the exciting possibilities by looking objectively at where you are.
Time only moves forward. The future is where you can make a difference, and that is based on what you do right now, in this moment. No matter what has come before, there is limitless value in this moment because of what can come next.
Today is a new day. Whatever disappointment you’ve known can be transformed this moment into an exciting opportunity. Right now is a great time to make a fresh start. Look at where you are. Accept it for what it is with your eyes wide open to the positive possibilities. Then start moving forward to a great future.
Ralph Marston

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