virgin islands scene

The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it but what they become by it.
-- John Ruskin


Friday, April 21, 2000

The big picture

From the most distant galaxies to the smallest insects crawling underfoot, we live in a vast and awesome universe, filled with wonder, color, energy, life and opportunity. When you step back and put things in perspective, in the midst of all this magnificent abundance, most of our worries and troubles seem downright trivial.

Though your burdens bring pains which are very real indeed, remember to keep them in perspective. Step back and look at the big picture. See the possibilities, radiating out from you in every direction. These possibilities exist not only in spite of your problems, but often because of those problems. Even that which holds you back has the potential to move you forward.

A whole world is within your grasp. The positive possibilities far outweigh the negative realities. See the whole picture. Look at what you already have. Look at what you can be. Do all you can each moment to make it the best.

— Ralph Marston

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