Monday, April 3, 2000
Challenge or defeat?
When you’re willing to accept challenge you won’t have to accept defeat. Instead of throwing up your hands in defeat when things go wrong, look at the situation from a different perspective. See it as a challenge to be overcome.
Your attitude makes all the difference. Winners and losers are distinguished not by the circumstances they face, but by the way they face them. Losers think “I’ve been defeated.” Winners think “I’ve been challenged."
Challenges are painful, inconvenient, and uncomfortable. They demand your time, your effort and your energy. And they make you stronger as a result.
Rather than accept defeat, see the challenge. Put the best that you have into getting past that challenge. It’s easy to be a victim, but that won’t get you anywhere. Be a victor instead, by accepting and transcending each challenge that comes your way.
Ralph Marston

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