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The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it's dead for you.
-- Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, April 4, 2000

Beyond prosperity

It is sad indeed when someone gives up on life in the midst of adversity. Yet it is even more tragic when someone gives up after having won.

When the good times come, don’t let them make you soft. Enjoy each day, whether in prosperity or adversity. Make the most of every moment of life. And remain diligent. Don’t let your good fortune insulate you from the essence of life.

Do you really think that you can reach the point where you will never need to work? Sure, it’s great to become financially independent so that you no longer require a paycheck. But that does not remove the innate need you have to continue making a difference in the world. Fulfillment comes not from escaping challenge and responsibility, but from taking on ever greater and more meaningful challenges.

See your prosperity not as a reason to give up or bail out, but as a springboard for reaching even greater heights. Get maximum enjoyment and fulfillment from your accomplishments by building on them. Keep yourself challenged. Keep yourself busy. Keep on making a difference. It’s what brought you to where you are, and it’s the best thing you can do with what you have.

— Ralph Marston

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