Saturday, April 1, 2000
Get in the habit
Habits are a great way to program yourself for success. First you form your habits, and then your habits form you. Good habits are difficult to establish. They take some significant, focused effort over a period of time. That effort will pay off many times over when the habit has become firmly implanted in your day-to-day life.
Achievement and success require consistent effort. Positive habits can deliver precisely that. Good habits turn baby steps into giant steps. They cause time to work for you, rather than against you.
For example, imagine what would happen in you were to get in the habit of waking up 20 minutes earlier than you do now. You could use the time to work on a special project while the house is quiet and you’re able to concentrate. In just one week you would add more than two hours of quality, productive time. Each year you would add the equivalent of three full 40-hour work weeks -- all from a 20-minute habit.
What habits can you develop that will move you steadily toward your goals? Make the investment in your own positive habits, and you could well enjoy the dividends throughout your entire life.
Ralph Marston

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