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Solitude and silence teach me to love my brothers for what they are, not for what they say.
-- Thomas Merton


Tuesday, March 28, 2000

Your objective

Focus and discipline are essential for success, yet most people find it difficult to attain them. The way to become focused and disciplined is not by seeking these qualities directly, but rather by practicing them in the pursuit of a driving and undeniable purpose.

Focus and discipline are means to an end. They must have a clear and well-defined object. You cannot just be focused. You must first have something meaningful upon which to focus.

The question you must ask yourself is -- what do you desire and why? Forget for a moment about what other people desire or what they expect you to desire or what is fashionable to desire. What do you really, truly desire to do with the incredible treasure of possibilities that is your life?

Answer that question and you’ll have a driving reason to become disciplined. Answer that question and you’ll have a clearly defined objective upon which to focus. You are completely and immediately capable of all the discipline and focus you could ever need when you find a compelling enough, personally meaningful reason.

— Ralph Marston

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