Monday, March 27, 2000
Thoughts matter
What you become, you become first in your mind. What you accomplish, you accomplish first in your mind. The life you live is a direct and unfailing manifestation of your thoughts.
So what are you thinking about? Do your thoughts hold you back, or do they push you forward? Look around you and you’ll see. The life you live is the result of the thoughts to which you have given the most energy and attention.
Thoughts don’t magically become reality the moment you think them. Rather, your thoughts become reality as a result of the power you give to them. If, for example, you think about how nice it would be to become an artist, and then never think that thought again, it won’t happen. If, on the other hand, you constantly think about becoming an artist, throughout the day, day after day, month after month, to the point where those thoughts influence your actions, then you will indeed become an artist.
What thoughts are you constantly thinking? Are they destructive, or are they enriching and empowering? Your thoughts matter very much, and you are always free to think whatever you wish. Choose the thoughts that will lift you up and watch yourself soar as a result.
Ralph Marston

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