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Jaw jaw is better than war war.
-- Winston Churchill


Wednesday, February 23, 2000

Aim higher

One of the best gifts you can give yourself is challenge. Growth is prompted by challenge. Achievement comes out of challenge. Challenge builds your skills and confidence.

Many challenges are thrust upon you by people, events and situations in the world around you. These challenges are often very fruitful. Yet the most meaningful challenges are those you give to yourself, because they lead you in the direction of your goals and purposes.

Challenge yourself, and make it your very own challenge. Adopting someone else’s idea of a challenge may sound good, but it can frustrate and confound you. Give yourself a challenge that really, truly means something to you. Don’t do it to impress anyone else. Do it to push yourself toward those things that are most meaningful to you.

No matter how far you’ve come, you can always aim higher. You’re well equipped to respond very positively to challenge. So nourish your essence by giving yourself something of great value -- challenge. Keep going until you’ve achieved it and are ready for the next one.

— Ralph Marston

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