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All would live long, but none would be old.
-- Benjamin Franklin


Thursday, February 24, 2000

A little discomfort

When you meet a new person the relationship is a bit awkward at first. Over time, you become comfortable with each other and the relationship can blossom into something of great value. Yet I wonder how many relationships never even get a chance because they are so uncomfortable at the beginning.

Meeting new people, learning new skills, presenting your ideas, taking risks -- all these things can be very uncomfortable at first. After a while, though, that discomfort disappears and you’re left with something very valuable such as a relationship, a skill, an influence, or an accomplishment.

When you have the courage to step outside your comfort zone, then you begin to create new value for your life. On top of that, your comfort zone expands. Sure, new things are a little uncomfortable. Yet that little bit of discomfort will soon pay big dividends. Endure a little discomfort. Meet new people, learn new skills, take some calculated and intelligent risks.

A little discomfort won’t hurt you, and can bring you big rewards.

— Ralph Marston

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