Tuesday, February 22, 2000
Truly positive
You can turn any so-called setback in your favor by making the effort to find something positive about it. That is not an easy thing to do. Yet in the long run it is by far the best course of action.
True positive thinking is more than just repeating shallow happy phrases. Thinking positively does not mean that you ignore the negative things which come along, but rather that you put forth the real effort to invalidate and change those things.
True positive thinking is reality thinking. True positive thinking realistically sees the positive as well as the negative of any situation, and chooses to give effort and support to the positive side.
Thinking positively requires effort, and that is why it works so well. It takes effort to see the positive aspects when everyone else sees only the dismal side. Yet it is that effort which distinguishes winners from losers. It is that effort which underlies all great achievements.
Look squarely at the reality of the world around you and enjoy the massive benefits of true positive thinking.
Ralph Marston

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