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Every cultural flowering finds root and nourishment in an expansion of commerce and industry.
-- Will Durant


Saturday, December 18, 1999

What you think

Your own thoughts are much more closely connected to you than they are to anyone else. So take care with them. Even if your negative thoughts are about someone else, the person who is most harmed by those thoughts is you.

Your thoughts have a way of becoming your reality, even without conscious effort on your part. Your thoughts have a way of directing your actions, even though you may not have intended for them to do so.

Take control of your thoughts. Don’t waste too many of them on frivolous and trivial things. Make sure they don’t lead you into a negative mindset or destructive actions. Use your thoughts to improve the quality of your life and the world around you. They’re powerful, and they are yours to control and direct. Make the most of your thoughts and your living reality will reflect the effort.

— Ralph Marston

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