Thursday, December 16, 1999
Invest yourself
Think of those times when you’ve been the happiest. In almost every case they have likely been the times when you’ve given something of yourself to the moment. The things which you sincerely put yourself into are the things which will bring the longest and most satisfying rewards.
What if you went to a stockbroker’s office and said that you wanted to have a lot of valuable investments but did not want to put any money into them? That would be ridiculous. You’d be laughed at.
A valuable investment requires investing. And a life of fulfillment requires that you invest your time, your effort and your spirit in it. That means doing more than the minimum required to just get by. It means putting all you have, with sincerity and enthusiasm, into each day.
You have so many great things to invest in life -- your time, your interests, your passions, your knowledge, the things you love to do. Put as much of yourself as possible into each moment, into every action, into your work, your play, your family and community. Soon that investment will truly be worth a fortune.
Ralph Marston

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