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Failures are divided into two classes -- those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought.
-- John Charles Salak


Thursday, December 2, 1999

Causes and results

For any given cause, there is a result that is usually inevitable. If you let go of a book at waist height, it will fall to the floor. If you eat a diet rich in fat and sugar, you will gain weight. If you live with greed, anger and envy in your heart your life will be filled with lack and limitation. And when you seek to make a positive difference, to provide value and to be of service, your days will be rich and fulfilling.

Though you can rarely change the cause and result relationship, what you can most certainly do is control the causes. That is the way to bring the results you desire. Wishing that you could get wealthy by following the latest get-rich-quick scheme will not bring about the wealth you desire. The result of material wealth comes from the cause of extended effort, innovation, persistence and the commitment to provide something of real value.

Results don’t happen randomly. They have specific causes. When you’re not getting the desired results, pay close attention to the causes you’re bringing about. The most reliable way to get any result you desire, is by instigating the accompanying cause. It is a simple, sensible concept with enormous power to change your life.

— Ralph Marston

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