virgin islands scene

Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
-- Kahlil Gibran


Thursday, October 28, 1999

Dive in

Nothing seems so out of reach as that which you have not yet begun. The moment you get started, the task becomes infinitely more achievable.

Take the first step and take it quickly. Dive in and get to work. There will be problems, but they won’t be nearly as insurmountable as they appear to be before you’ve even made the first attempt.

Action is what seals your commitment to achieving anything. The sooner you get started after deciding to do something, the more likely you’ll get it done. Even if the initial step is small, it is vitally important because it sets the direction for your momentum.

Act quickly, and then keep going. There’s always something you can do. Once you’ve started, and as you go along, you won’t just think you can do it -- you’ll know that you already are.

— Ralph Marston

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