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Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.
-- Anthony Robbins


Saturday, October 23, 1999


There is something good and worthy within you that is ready and waiting to be expressed. Give it life! Make it happen. What could possibly constitute a better use of your time and energy than to manifest that excellence which yearns in you?

Bring into being those things which already exist in your imagination. Share your special possibilities with the world. Untold beauty and excellence are waiting for the power of your actions.

What is the best possible world you can imagine? What can you do to make it so? There is much you can do this very day. Your dreams are not trivial. They are your gift and your obligation. Treat them with respect. Give them the attention they deserve.

Be the very best you can imagine. Make a difference that is uniquely yours. Let the best of you come out. You are destined to express life in ways that no one else can. Live it and let it flow with your own special magnificence, today and every moment.

— Ralph Marston

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