Thursday, October 14, 1999
Think of what happens every day as you go through the cycle of sleeping and waking. At night as you sleep, your body is consumed with drowsiness, rest and inactivity. When you wake up, though it sometimes may take a few minutes, that momentum changes quickly and substantially. You become active and alert as you set about going through the activities of the day. Consider for a moment what a radical shift in momentum is represented just by the act of waking up -- something you do each and every day.
With that in mind, changing your momentum from a negative thought pattern to a positive one seems almost trivial by comparison. Every day when you wake up you prove again that you’re capable of a massive shift in momentum. Realize that you can make use of that ability whenever necessary.
Shift your momentum, and a bad day turns into a great day. Problems change into opportunities. What was once negative energy turns into a useful, creative force. At any given moment, there is plenty of energy available to you. Rather than using it against yourself, “wake up” and direct it toward your positive purposes. Sure it’s a little bit challenging, but you’ve had a lot of experience at it and you can certainly do it.
Ralph Marston

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