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The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.
-- Theodore Roosevelt


Wednesday, October 13, 1999

Fear of criticism

Think for a moment how silly it is to live in fear of criticism. If you’re doing what you know to be right, what possible reason could you have to fear the criticism of others?

Are you concerned that the comments and opinions of others will somehow damage your self esteem or self image? Are you afraid of speaking your mind or taking action because you might get your feelings hurt?

If you really want to improve your self esteem, stop allowing other people to be responsible for it. Instead, create something of value. Make a positive difference. Pats on the back are nice, but in the end the thing that will truly make you feel good about yourself is to accomplish something worthwhile.

Find valuable feedback in the criticism of others. Realize that it can’t hurt you, that it actually can help. Go forward with the confidence of knowing that you’re truly making a difference, and you will indeed.

— Ralph Marston

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