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We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.
-- John Dryden


Thursday, September 9, 1999

Eyes wide open

Be curious. Wonder. Ask. Learn. Creative energy comes from recognizing and appreciating the creativity of others. It comes from being curious, from a desire to know why.

What marvelous things can you learn today from situations that others would probably just ignore? How many life changing opportunities do you just walk by every day because you don’t take the time or energy to even notice?

Every moment has the potential to be a rich learning experience, when you decide to really look and see what’s there. Winners win largely because they pay attention. And anyone can do that.

Valuable knowledge and experience are yours for the taking. Open yourself up to the possibilities that are all around you even at this very minute. Life is a fascinating adventure. Let yourself live it with your eyes wide open.

— Ralph Marston

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